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Tracy Reed, operator at the Horn Rapids municipal landfill in Richland, Washington, had been unhappy with the machines at his facility.

For a long time, the equipment at the landfill site – from the trommel screen to the shredder – had not been state-of-the-art anymore. It jangled the operator’s nerves and costed the city of 60 000 inhabitants a lot of money. It was time for new acquisitions, which would deliver top performance without exceeding the city’s budget. Tracy Reed quickly found what he was looking for: PacWest Machinery, the local Ecoverse dealer from Pasco, listened carefully as regarded the tasks and invited Reed and City officials to live demonstrations of the INVENTHOR 6 and the SM 720.2 K trommel screen.

Rationalization is that easy

The city council and landfill operator were particularly impressed by the versatility and efficiency of the Doppstadt machines. “The INVENTHOR 6 does not only shred our daily standard input, but it is also suitable for many other difficult materials such as car tires. Finally we don’t have to haul them to another state anymore to dispose of them. Now we are well prepared ourselves – while achieving much higher productivity and less fuel consumption and wear “, Tracy Reed enthuses about the Doppstadt machines. Daily refuelling is finally a thing of the past too. And last, but not least the user-friendliness is impressive: “Our teams can do other projects while the machines are running smoothly," adds Reed.

Please note our information on the company shutdown due to the public holidays in May.